Category Archives: Bishop of Oregon

And now, for a change of pace…

…I thought I’d post some good news about a bishop!

As in, thank God for the Rt. Rev. Sanford Zangwill Kaye Hampton (who I am informed likes to be called “Sandy”), the Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon starting April 18th. He’s coming south after a stint as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Olympia. 


His Wikipedia page is sadly lacking in anything resembling detail.

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Filed under Bishop of Oregon

April 18th

That’s when the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Oregon will possibly-maybe announce who our Assisting Bishop will be.

Just goes to show how much impact the Pointy Hats have on my life as a laywoman, I’d totally forgotten that we’ve been bishop-free for the last week or two.

And now comes the fun part: SEARCH COMMITTEE! Um, yay?

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Filed under Bishop of Oregon

I’m a murderer

Brother Field Mouse is dead. We caught him in the kill trap, which was misnamed as it was more of a ‘crush his pelvis’ trap. 
 Two grown women with three college degrees between us and we were paralyzed about what to do with an injured critter.
Wound up drowning Brother Field Mouse. The body was wrapped in plastic and thrown in the trash. 
In other news,geez, why is everyone coming to my blog by Googling “Johncy Itty”? I wasn’t at the meeting on the 21st, because like most people in this diocese, I have a day  job. I made a tag. See the pretty tag? Go click the tag to see what I have to say on the subject. 

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Filed under Bishop of Oregon, my life

What I Know, What I’m Saying

Edit 2/23 – Hi Googlers! I was not at the meeting on the 21st. Because I have a job. Okay, I have two jobs. Please see other articles under this tag:

Oh, I forgot.

Hoo Boy.

Now, let us open our prayer books to page 814:Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese (or, rector for this parish), that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lots of folks getting to my site searching for Bishop Johncy Itty.Apparently there’s a lot of rumors going around. So, of course, folks turn to the reliable source for information: Google!

 *waves* Hi! Howya doin’? How’s your momma?

Here’s what I know:November 8th, Bp. Itty announces his own self at Convention that he’s calling for an election for his successor. Note that the article speculates he’ll call for a bishop coadjucator, which would mean Bp. Itty would still be Bishop of Oregon for 2-5 more years, which would be the normal process if he was just feeling out his options for other ministry within the church.

However, it was announced recently that he would be titular Bishop of Oregon until the end of the year, but he will be leaving us on Easter Sunday.

That is all I know.

And quite frankly, unless you are hearing word one from a member of the Standing Committee, I’d take anything beyond these official announcements with a grain of salt. And a slice of lime. And some tequila.

Be at peace, my brethren and sistren. God will provide for our wee little diocese. It’s not like we don’t have an in with the Presiding Bishop or anything, nu?

And just because we ain’t got no shepherd don’t mean we get to slack off. Turn off your computer and stop fretting, we’ve got some Good News to spread….what are you waiting for? GO ALREADY!

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Filed under Bishop of Oregon

Hoo Boy.

Edit 2/23 – Hi Googlers! Please see other articles under this tag:
What I Know, What I’m Saying
Oh, I Forgot.

Now, let us open our prayer books to page 814:
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese (or, rector for this parish), that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Pray for the Diocese of Oregon, ’cause I think we’re all a little jumpy what with two Canons retiring and the Bishop leaving us.

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Filed under Bishop of Oregon